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Free Mini Course: Student-Centered Coaching
Getting Started
Video: Welcome from Diane Sweeney (0:35)
Video: Coaching Is and Isn't (5:21)
Challenges, Glitches, or Questions
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Student-Centered Coaching: The Podcast
Video Norms
Session 1: Practices for Student-Centered Coaching
Video: Session Introduction (1:06)
Reading: Chapter 1 from Essential Guide for Student-Centered Coaching
Video: An Introduction to Student-Centered Coaching (8:26)
Screencast: Core Practices for Student-Centered Coaching (15:26)
What's Your Move?
Session 2: Student-Centered Learning Labs
Video: Session Introduction (1:37)
Reading: Chapter 6 from Student-Centered Coaching: A Guide for K-8 Coaches and Principals
Reading: Learning Labs as a Way to Approach the Incoming Math Curriculum
Video: Voices from Teacher Participants in Learning Labs (16:10)
Screencast: Learning Labs as a Structure for Professional Learning (10:14)
What's Your Move?
Session 3: School Spotlights
Video: Session Introduction (1:00)
Reading: Chapter 6 from The Essential Guide for Student-Centered Coaching
Reading: Blog Posts Focusing on the Stages of Implementation
Video: Interview with a Principal Who is Implementing Student-Centered Coaching (20:38)
Screencast: Growing a Student-Centered Culture (13:31)
Video: Closing Video from Diane Sweeney (2:23)
End-of-Course Survey
What's Your Move?
Reading: Chapter 6 from Student-Centered Coaching: A Guide for K-8 Coaches and Principals
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